Thanos Chrysakis | ja

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Thanos Chrysakis’ output consists of composition, performance, and installation. He was born in Athens in 1971, residing for the last twelve years in the UK. His work has appeared on various independent labels, and events in several countries. He composes for electronics, acoustic instruments and environmental sounds, focusing on the structural and aesthetic capacity of sonic matter. His work was amongst the selected works at the International Competition de Musique et d'Art Sonore Electroacoustiques de Bourges 2005, in the category œuvre d'art sonore électroacoustique, while received an honorary mention in 2006 at the 7th International Electroacoustic Competition Musica Viva in Lisbon. Recent compositions include: 'Subterranean Sky' (Aural Terrains 2010), A Scar In The Air (Aural Terrains 2008), “Threadshelters” for prepared piano + harpsichord (for Kate Ryder and Jane Chapman, 2007), and “Passage Dangereux” for prepared and toy piano, soundscape + video (for Kate Ryder, 2008).
In addition to his compositional activities he has recorded/performed with Dario Bernal-Villegas, Wade Matthews, Oli Mayne, James O’Sullivan, Jerry Wigens, Zsolt Sőrés among others. .
