Sondra Sun-Odeon | ja

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Sondra Sun-Odeon, is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist/vocalist/composer transplanted from California where she spent her childhood taping classical pieces off the radio, and sneaking a hand held transistor radio into bed to surreptitiously listen to popular American music. Her family did not own a stereo and the only music she was regularly exposed to, was the Chinese opera soundtracks of the many fantastical Chinese-language period dramas her parents watched incessantly.

She writes and performs in the NYC band Silver Summit, and performs solo. Lyrically inhabiting an ethereal cloud of longing and elation, her solo work ranges loosely and lightly over the lands of stoner-rock, prog, and goth lullabye. Sun-Odeon and cellist Helena Espvall (of Espers) recently collaborated together on Sun-Odeon's recording of solo works from the last 3 years; the album will be released in late 2011 and also features Ben McConnell (Brightblack Morning Light, Rain Machine, Phosphorescent, Marisa Nadler) on drums.

Flavorpill: Sondra Sun-Odeon's trembling voice calls to mind Karen Dalton and Grace Slick, though it's the duo's hazy arrangements for mandolin, bell chimes, hand drums, and droning electric guitars that make Silver Summit a must for fans of Fairport Convention and the second side of Led Zeppelin III.

Jersey Beat:
"“arrestingly bizarre and off-kilter, yet still hypnotic and harmonic sonic excursion into sheer aural trippiness. Sondra Sun-Odeon’s beautifully eerie vocals cast a wickedly alluring spell on the listener while the gradual tempos and trudging clip-clop beats likewise mesmerize you with their deceptively laid-back power. "

Pitchfork: "The Door" lets two gnarled, slightly distorted guitars exchange intricate, atmospheric patterns, accompanied by the occasional chiming percussion, as noise veteran and former drummer Sun-Odeon harmonizes with herself, showcasing a more reflective side. .

