Sledge | ja

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Sledge is more than 1 artist:

1.Sledge is a 5 piece heavy metal band from Hyderabad, India. They are one of the foremost metal bands in the country. They have won a number of national rock competitions like Garage Indian Rock. Their debut album "Desert of Souls" was released on Times Music and was well received both critically and otherwise. They have been active for the past 7 years and continue to perform gigs and concerts through out India. They also performed in Singapore this summer in March. Some of their popular tracks are "Damnation" and "Envenomed".

Some of their milestones include

* #1 On Audio street worldwide Metal charts
* US Radio Air Play – across 14 Stations in US
* Airplay in Heavymetal Radio – UK
* First band from south India to get a Record label
* Castrol Garage Rock- National Champions

Band Members:

Nitin - Vocals
Anjani - Bass
Shadrach - Guitar
Suman - Drums
Subash - Guitars

Their website:

2.Sledge is a early moniker of a drum and bass and breakcore producer, Richard Murder