Poets To Their Beloved | ja

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From official website:


Poets to their Beloved were formed when Saskia and Marcel first met in 2003 on a Brendan Perry workshop. Both had travelled to Ireland following their musical hearts on their quest for new musical influences. It was there on the magical green Island that they discovered a musical connection, a strong sparkle, which they would later bring back with them to the Netherlands and Germany.

This sparkle could not be tamed by distance and Marcel rapidly wrote an instrumental piece for Saskia called Love. She returned it to Marcel with full lyrics and vocals, thus making this song the catalyst for their union. They wrote more songs which travel along ancient times, lost loves, melancholic thoughts and old rituals.

In 2005 they had enough material to release a demo and they also played live together for the first time. Several concerts followed and in 2006 the growing enthusiasm of the crowd and fans on the internet enticed them to send their demo to various online magazines. The critics were promising and overwhelming - the band was invited to take part in Kalinkaland Records' "Lightwaves Part II" compilation, and later that year they signed with Equilibrium Music in Portugal for their first full-length album, "Embrace the Fool".

After some time of rearranging they are now working on their second album, Interstellar Reunion, which will enter new sound spheres and structures. New songs can be heard on their official website: http://www.poetstotherbeloved.com/music .


