Frida Sandén | ja

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Frida is 13 years old and living in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Her song is kind of a rock-popsong and translated, the title of the song would be Now Or Never. She sings about a friend that has betrayed her and that she has had enough. Now she puts an ultimatum and wants to know if they are friends or not.
Frida has two sisters, Mimmi and Molly, and they are all singing, all the time. - You can always hear music in our house, says Frida. Her parents have no idea where all this talent comes from, but they are of course very proud of all three of them. Last year her sister Molly was competing for Sweden in Junior Eurovision Song Contest. She came third, and Frida was a backup singer on stage, so it's not the first time on the Junior stage for her. This year Frida is on her own. Or will her sisters show up? You never know. The Sandén sisters are starting to be very famous in Sweden and everybody is sure about that we will see al lot of them in the future.

In everyday life Frida is a typical teenager. She works hard in school and has a lot of friends. In the family she has the nickname "ask Frida" because she is the one that knows everything about everything. The whole family would be lost without her. She is a rock. Speaking of rock. If Frida has to choose one genre it would be rock but just about everything goes. Her idols, for the moment, are Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce.