Depths of Depravity | ja

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Depths of Depravity (formerly known as Brutal Masturbation) was formed in 1996. The forming members were : László Spirk - guitar, Zsolt Menyhárt - bass, Péter Jakab - voice. They were hired some contemporary members to make the line up full at the beginning. The first demo was released in 1999. In this year the band gave a lot of succesful shows. In the same year, in september, the basic members decided to seek for steady bandmembers, therefore they said farewell to their contemporary workers. The result was, that the band stood without drummer and guitarist. But they have succesfully found David Gregus, the new drummer! In 2000 they have also changed their names - Depths Of Depravity has born! And the time of the extensive songwriting process arrived as well as the result - the second material, the album titled "Into The Decay" in 2002. The band's first album consists of 8 songs it sounds like Suffocation, Vader, Cryptopsy. The band received good critics for it. The band don't get a publisher company with that album, so it was self-released. The band gave a lot of succesful shows (especially with the austrian death legend, the cultic Pungent Stench, or with Hypnos and Vader).After the first album, the band begun to write new songs for the second album. Three years after Into The Decay, Insensible Extinct Mechanical World was recorded in September 2005 at Home studio with Bertalan Domby. With this album the band get a publisher contract with Terranis Productions. The sound of the second album became more powerful and full of personal riffs and ideas. The band want to follow this way of music further. .


