Danny Daniel | ja

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He was Born in 1942 in Gijon, Province of Asturias, Spain. His passion for music triggered an internal search of his identity by writing his own music. It is believed that his Greatest Hit has been: "This world today is a mess" recorded by Donna Hightower, followed by "Vals de las Mariposas" ("The Butterflies' Waltz") being used for Special Ocassions like Weddings, 16 Candles ("Quinceañeras), etc...
His relationship with MARCIA BELL (Actress/Singer) inspired him to create another beautiful song named: "Por El Amor De Una Mujer", recorded by him, and later on by JULIO IGLESIAS. He also wrote another Waltz/Song entitled: "16 Años" (16 Years) and can be found interpreted by either artist, DANNY DANIEL, or JULIO IGLESIAS. His creativity has been proven in the 70's and 80's, delighting us with a list of great melodies. Other popular songs are as follows: "Niña, No Te Pintes Tanto", "Que Bonita Primavera", "Viento de Otoño", "Mañana", etc...

Additional samples of his Legacy can be found in www.youtube.com

A sample of the Song: "El Amor, El Amor" by DANNY DANIEL can be listened by clicking on LINK below...


http://www.youtube.com/LocutorMysterio .
