Baobabs | ja

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Baobabs is the Latvian folk group playing several kind of music basically composed by the group in post folk tradition. It might be also ranked to folk-rock genre. The folk-songs settings are very freely made in musical arrangement wise.

The sound of the band and its members has been changed within the years – today "residents" are Elīna Līce (rhythm guitar, vocal, reed-pipe), Kaspars Pupa (guitar, vocal), Artis Mundelis – Krūms (bass guitar), Kristaps Krolls (percussion) - and the guest artists like Kārlis Jirgens or the other Latvian back pipe and reed-pipe player. Most of the members are experienced musicians who also play in other musical projects.

Baobabs have played in a specific events, which concerns to, for instance, literature. For sure, it wouldn’t be a real group without taking part in several kinds of festivals. BAOBABS has played in very popular festivals in Latvia – “Bildes”, Baltijas Saule”, “Laba Daba” etc. The group has been recorded for modern folk-music selections “Sviests II” in 2008 and “Sviests III” which is going to be issued during this summer. .