Annemarie Zimakoff | ja

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Annemarie Zimakoff - Indiefolk Singer Inspired by PJ Harvey and Kate Bush

The indiefolk singer Annemarie Zimakoff is a new Danish singer/songwriter on the Danish thriving upcoming stage. Annemarie Zimakoff has received the critics praise for the debut album “Annemarie Zimakoff – Ivory”. A blend of mature pop and folk/country which was released the 31st of March 2008. The critics are especially captured by Annemarie Zimakoffs incredible voice which leads to comparisons with acknowledged singers as Tori Amos, PJ Harvey, Kate Bush and Joni Mitchell.

Singer/songwriter as a 12-year-old

28-year-old Annemarie Zimakoff grew up in a small isolated village in the country side of South of Jutland. Here Annemarie was raised in a highly religious family. As a natural thing in the family, where almost every family member playede an instrument, Annemarie Zimakoff started out playing piano when she was 10. Soon though Annemarie switched to her sisters old guitar and as a 12-year-old Annemarie Zimakoff was writing her first songs.

Annemarie Zimakoff – A Name in The Underground

The immense musical talent Annemarie Zimakoff possess has allready been proclaimed by various underground websites such as, og (link til press)
First as she started out with her acclaimed folk/rock band Quiet Light Tide in 2006-2007 and now as a unique soloist Annemarie Zimakoff with her mothers Russian maiden name.
