satan | it

Satan is an angel who rebelled against God — and also the one who spoke through the serpent and seduced Eve into disobeying God's command. His ultimate goal is to lead people away from the love of God because he doesn't suffer the ideea of suffering alone an eternity in Hell after the Final Judgement. His final is set and well known for him, so out of envy towards people, he wants to shoot as many souls he can in the eternal hell in which he himself condemnede himself, by betraying God the Creator.
Hell was created for Satan, not for people! And even Satan could be forgiven by God, but Satan could not bear to apologize for his mistake, absolutely blinded by pride and petrification his heart to compassion, peace, forgiveness, kindness.
Thus, to attract as many people to hell, satan cheat and try to imitate God, stirring all the time truth with falsehood, confusing people. Everything he does, he does from selfishness, pride, thirst for revenge, envy.
Satan is not capable of other emotions or feelings noble and pure, he can only imitate to attract people, because if he would show his true face, nobody would listen or like Satan and all would be disgusted of his wickedness, even the most malefic people existing. .