Outlaw Posse | it

Il Primo Gruppo che ha firmato un contratto con la Arista di Clive Davis, lavora in Florida e le loro prime uscite discografiche prodotte da Paul A. Rothchild hanno destato un certo interesse "The Outlaws" sono una band "southern rock"- "country-rock" americana formata nel 1972 dai chitarristi solisti Hughie Thomasson Junior e Billy Jones, dalla chitarra acustica e voce Henry Paul, il bassista Frank O'Keefe alla batteria troviamo Monty Yoho. Buoni Lavori sono gli album di esordio nel 1974 con "The Outlaws" e "Lady In Waiting" dopo questi il suono melense prese il sopravvento nella produzione musicale della Band. Solo...
Formati dai chitarristi Mike Torrao e Larry LaLonde intorno al 1983, il gruppo, inizialmente di nicchia, emerge presto alla ribalta grazie all'iconografia orrorifica e le tematiche sataniste. La loro matrice musicale può essere vista come derivazione di un Thrash metal più cupo e sulfureo, dove il gruppo trae ispirazione dalle atmosfere oscure dei Venom e dalla ferocia musicale degli Slayer. Seven Churches, un album icona del Metal Estremo, fu fondamentale per lo sviluppo del Death Metal. Sebbene musicalmente venga classificato nel Thrash Metal, la voce di Jeff Becerra è gutturale e graffiante, una forma grezza di growl, che verrà evoluto...
BSN Posse is a project that saw the light of day in the beginning of 2011, being the result of the musical fusion between two members of the group MMC: Sergio Ruiz (Stay Puft) and Enrique Gervilla (Broken Lip). Since its formation, the two musicians have continuously edited tracks, coordinating various styles of electronic music in order to create their own sound: Future Garage, Melodías Purple, Dubstep, Glitch, Soul, Dub, Witch House, Uk Funky... All these styles have had a great influence on the two musicians and given them the freedom to unleash songs in which manually recorded e-guitars combine...
There is more than one Outlaws on last.fm: 1. The Outlaws are Southern rock band formed in Tampa, FL. 2. The Outlaws were a house band for Joe Meek's recording studio. 1) The Outlaws are Southern rock band formed in Tampa, FL in 1972 by singers/guitarists Hughie Thomasson and Henry Paul, bassist Frank O'Keefe, and drummer Monte Yoho. With the 1973 addition of guitarist Billy Jones, the lineup was complete, and after a year of intense touring the band became the first act signed to Arista under Clive Davis; the Outlaws' self-titled 1975 album spotlighted their Eagles-influenced harmonies and Allman...
There are at least two bands with this name: (1) a U.S. Rapcrew (2) a Dutch Punkband (1) Katari Cox and Malcolm Greenidge grew up together in New York. They knew each other through Cox's mother and Greenidge's father who were close friends. They and their families later moved to New Jersey where they became friends with Yafeu Fula. Cox's cousin and Fula's Godbrother, Tupac Amaru Shakur, used to look out for them and when he became famous he moved them out of the ghetto and bought them homes in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1992, Cox, Greenridge and Fula formed a...