Drear | it

Extreme metal band from the east of England. Three releases as of 2009: Hope is the Opium of the Masses (2004), Warring Against the Sun / Solipsis (2006) and Promo 2007 (2007). Website: http://drear.luxferous.com/ Bandcamp: http://drearwindow.bandcamp.com Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/cauliflowerdrear Vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/drearingaids .
Dreariness is a blackgaze / depressive black metal project born in 2012 from Italy, a collaboration between Gris (Misere Nobis) and Torpor (Misere Nobis), and Tenebra. Dreariness is a project born with the desire to be overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions, through the fusion of classic sounds and themes characteristics of depressive black metal, with those of post-black metal / black-gaze. The debut album “My Mind is too Weak to Forget” will be released in January 2013 for Nostalgia Productions. .
Drearylands was a power metal band from Salvador, BA, Brazil. They broke up after their 2003 album Heliopolis. Discography (from Encyclopaedia Metallum): Some Dreary Songs (2000) From The Ashes [EP] (2003) Heliopolis (2003) .