Fetus Fucker | it

I Dying Fetus si formano ad Annapolis (Maryland), USA nel 1991, suonano un death metal influenzato in parte dal grindcore più tecnico e combinato con breakdown e riff tipici dell'hardcore, i testi hanno la peculiarità di essere incentrati prevalentemente su realtà politico-sociali. Il gruppo nasce da John Gallagher (chitarra e voce) e Jason Netherton (basso e voce) ai quali si aggiunge Nick Speleos nel 1992, con Nick alla chitarra e Jason che passa alla batteria registrano un primo demo nel 1993. L'anno successivo vede un primo cambiamento alla line-up, Nick se ne va e viene sostituito da Brian Latta, allo...
Helge and the Firefuckers was a band project by the German comedian Helge Schneider. Their album "Eiersalat in Rock" (egg salad in rock) contains several cover versions (or rather almost dada parodies) of well-known hits. Among them are "Hey Joe", "Whiter Shade of pale", "Ebony and Ivory", and "Copacabana." All these move far away from the originals. Schneider himself is actually an outstanding jazz musician but never could make enough money with it - so he incorporated his music skills into his anarchic comedy and became successful. .
There are at least three bands called "The Fuckers." 1) Punk Rock band from Chicago. Band Members Mark C - Vocals and Bass Mark R - Guitar and Vocals Lewie - Guitar Phil -Drums 2) Hard Rock band from Argentia/Italy. Band Members Mirco - lead guitar Sandro - bass guitar Federico - voice Davide - drums Mauro - rhythm guitar 3) Experimental Group from the East Coast Band Members Devon - Flute Anthony - Strings .
The Nunfucker formed in July of 1985 in Waterloo, Ontario. The first practice was in Bob's garage - Bob on drums, Dave on guitar, Ian on vocals and Todd on guitar. Practice went for a couple of hours. When Todd got bored and left, Ian, Bob and Dave wrote and recorded the "Today is a Good Day" demo (on a tape recorder). At least one song on the demo had lyrics about actually fucking nuns. Ian's dad was transferred to Calgary the following month and Ian left the band. Derek joined as bassist in the fall of 1985, followed by...