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There are two artists known as Scaramanga: 1) Scaramanga is the alias of the rapper Sir Menelik, a.k.a. Cyclops 3000. 2) Bjorn Susz goes by the alias Scaramanga. This Belgium born DJ has been creating a buzz around his hometown and spinning records ever since the age of 16. Bjorn is best known for his radio show on Rave FM and his electronic music productions on Octane Recordings and System Recordings. With a unique set of tracks his productions consists of bending electronic noises to create music without limits. .
I Mangala Vallis sono un gruppo musicale reggiano formatosi nel 1998 da un’idea di Gigi Cavalli Cocchi (ex batterista di Ligabue, ClanDestino e CSI, attualmente in forza ai Clan), di Mirco Consolini (chitarra e basso) ed Enzo Cattini (tastiere). Il gruppo si ispira al rock progressivo degli anni settanta, seguendo le orme dei Genesis di Peter Gabriel, ma arricchendo le proprie creazioni con diversi altri elementi frutto delle molteplici esperienze artistiche dei membri della band. Caratteristiche fondamentali della loro produzione sono la cura e la ricerca delle sonorità e degli strumenti dell’epoca (rickenbacker, hammond C3, moog, mellotron). Nel 2001, in...
VGM/CYBERPUNK/SYNTHWAVE/INDUSTRIAL/TECHNO Energy music with the force of five mechanical lions. .
Mangan was born in Smithers, British Columbia. His family moved a fair amount, residing in both the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia - and primarily in his current home town of Vancouver. Raised in a household where instruments were always available, music became an obvious pastime for Mangan and his two siblings. At sixteen, he started a band called Basement Suite with some fellow classmates and played gigs at local community centres. .