Grigori | it

Grigori is a black metal band from New Zealand. Formed in 2006 by Armaros taking control of all instruments, vocals, composition and lyrics. Armaros lives in Singapore. .
Trio Grigoriu a fost o formaţie românească de muzică uşoară, înfiinţată în 1946 la Bucureşti. Membrii ei sunt fraţii Grigoriu, originari din Brăila; numele lor sunt George, Angel şi Cezar, toţi trei cântăreţi. Trioul interpretează mai întâi jazz, apoi muzică uşoară. Compoziţiile proprii (semnate de George Grigoriu, pe versurile lui Angel Grigoriu) apar de la finele anilor 1950 şi se bucură de un succes foarte mare la public. Subiectele abordate în cântece sunt atât unele „obligatorii” (propagandistice, impuse de conducerea socialistă a ţării), cât şi altele naive, distractive. Astăzi, Trio Grigoriu sunt cunoscuţi mai ales prin piesele „Broscuţa Oac” (1957)...
Grigori 3 is an American goth metal band formed in 1999 with Gwen Bartolini (vocals) and Ray Wise (guitar). Past members included Justin Bailey, Mark Feigl, and Mike Christopher. The current line-up includes Mike Lindsay (drums), Brain Bradbury (keyboard) and Drew Turnbaugh (bass). Their music is commonly compared to Evanescence and Collide. Grigori 3 released their debut album, Exile, in 2006 through Dark Star Records. The name Grigori relates to a race of fallen angels from mythology, and the number 3 represents "completion." .
Rewind << As any good mix tells a story, Simina Grigoriu does more than just impress techno music through her DJ sets, she herself is a mixture of diverse cultural and musical influences. Born in Romania, raised in Toronto and since then arriving to Berlin, she describes a synthesis of the violin and keyboard lessons she had in her childhood, the discovery of her parent's vinyl treasures and the hip-hop freestyling in her student days. Paired with her love of techno, which she discovered somewhat later in the clubs in Toronto, as well as the musical influences of Jeff Mills,...