Stimbox | it

Stimbox had been churning out psychedelic harsh noise for over ten years, performing his trademark blend of grating harsh and synthesized textures on stages around the country and the globe. .
Trovato 75 canzoni, durata: 11:57:12
recycle 1
leach 2
Live At The Luggage Store Gallery
the nightmare continues
Stimulating Her Box
recycle 2
Impulse I
Love And Truth
California Scheming (Part 1/2)
California Scheming (Part 2/2)
Petrolium Jihad: Quench Our Thirst...
leach 1
Impulse II
Love and Truth
Electronic Chattering
Between Eugene And Victoria 12
Between Eugene And Victoria 10
Between Eugene And Victoria 11
Between Eugene And Victoria 13
Squid ripper
Blood For Oil: A Fairy Exchange???
Between Eugene And Victoria 9
Between Eugene And Victoria 2
Between Eugene And Victoria 4
Between Eugene And Victoria 5
Between Eugene And Victoria 8
Between Eugene And Victoria 7
Between Eugene And Victoria 6
Live On KFJC
Between Eugene And Victoria 1
''Friendly'' Customer Service
''Friendly'' Customer Service
Yuropajin Mo Bikkuri
Bioerotic Feedback
Faulty Merchandise
Stalking The Drunken Seamstress
Something With Four In It
Pee Zero Jay One
Steamed Solaenid In Spicy Sauce