Conrad Pope | it

Furunović brothers, Saša (guitar) and Goran (bass), founded the band named Popečitelji in 1999, in town of Priština, Serbia. They were already involved in musical events of various and indefinite genres, where they acquired many years of playing experience. Together with the drummer Rade Vulić, they commence their work on creating their own explosive mixture of instrumental funk-rock and folk music. After the end of bombardment, the band is leaving Priština, the town where this group has already gained its audience. Now they are moving to Kragujevac and Kraljevo, continuing their work and research upon fostering their own, already established,...
Conrad Pope is an American film composer and orchestrator. He has collaborated with acclaimed composers such as John Williams, James Newton Howard, Danny Elfman and Alexandre Desplat. Pope was classically trained at the New England Conservatory, Princeton University and in Europe. After receiving the George Chadwick Medal, the school’s highest honor, upon his graduation from the New England Conservatory, Pope went on to study at Munich’s Hochschule fur Musik and at Tanglewood, before completing graduate studies at Princeton University. Active in the contemporary music world, Pope founded a concert series at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and staged a...
Sydney's pious Paladins of Battle Pope mix sludged-out stoner swing with detuned slabs of grindcore and hypersexualised inanity. The effect is something akin to Little Richard wildly shafting Blood Duster, Captain Cleanoff and Elvis at a hedonist coke orgy. They have a 12" split CD with Jesus Christ Posse due out late 2012 on Art As Catharsis. Members of Battle Pope have played in Serious Beak, Adrift for Days, and Dumbsaint. .
Band POPEYE nastao je 2000. godine, iako je ideja o tome postojala kojih 5 godina unatrag. Pa evo kako je sve krenulo... Fere i Gianne, dvoje nadobudnih mladica iz Vodnjana, imali su želju napraviti nešto novo. Željeli su repati, al ne na neki obican nacin, trebala im je neka jaka podloga. Trebao im je metal. Shvativši to ozbiljno, polako su poceli okupljati ekipu. Na Pulskom šetalištu sreli su Zheeku i uzeli ga u band... Prikljucili su se još Pero na bassu i Vicel na bubnjevima. Jednom prilikom Vicel je na probu doveo Legovica da vidi kako svira i pitao ga...
Conrad Schnitzler (1937 – 4 August 2011) was a prolific German experimental musician considered an institution in electronic conceptual composition. Schnitzler was born in Düsseldorf. He was an early member of Tangerine Dream (1969–1970) and a founder of the band Kluster. He left Kluster in 1971, first working with his group Eruption and then focusing on solo works. He continued to record from his home studio in Dallgow, Germany, creating CD-Rs which he sold independently. Schnitzler also participated in several collaborations with other electronic musicians. Conrad Schnitzler died from stomach cancer in the evening 4 August 2011. .