SubArachnoid Space | it

Jessica Böhrs (Magdeburgo, 5 marzo 1980) è un'attrice e cantante tedesca. Comincia a lavorare all'età di 13 anni come attrice. In seguito recitò piccole parti in serie TV o film per la televisione. Risale al 1996 il suo primo brano musicale "JessVaness", al pari di una comparsa come corista per i Caught in the Act, anche noti come Tic Tac Toe. Riscosse i primi successi e si assicurò anche le prime registrazioni in studio. Cantò tra le altre cose nel coro di "Laura". Nel 2002 incontra il produttore di musica Felix Gauder, originario di Stoccarda, che avrebbe messo insieme i...
There's various artists known under the name of "Spaceman". 1. An indie rock band from Villanueva, Honduras This band was formed by Juan Ayestas (better known for being various metal bands, such as Krisis) and Hernán Ramos. These two share the writing credits. .
Spaces is an American instrumental post-rock band based in Brooklyn, NY. They are typically known for their exploration of various genres, often following celestial themes, and have released two full-length albums to date. As of January 27th, 2013, they have split up, saying band member Franco has joined the army. Florida natives and longtime friends, guitarist Duke Ahrens and drummer Franco Colon began writing and recording together in 2008. These collaborations would serve as the beginning of their first album, Voyage. For their debut, Spaces wrote and recorded a new song every month, with each one linking to the next...
1) Headspace is a new Progressive rock band started by keyboard player Adam Wakeman (rock legend Rick Wakeman's son), Pete Rinaldi (guitar), Lee Pomeroy (bass), Damian Wilson (Vocals), Rich Brook (drums). A mix between Dream Theater, Pain of Salvation and early bands such as Yes and Genesis, Headspace's new EP is available at itunes and more info at 2) Headspace is alias of Massimo Lombardo for his d'n'b album . 3) Headspace are a three piece Alternative/Garage Rock band from North London, now living in Holloway, that formed in the summer of 2007. The band have developed...
Space Jam can be scrobbled as: a) An incorrect tag on the Space Jam movie. b) An experimental musician from Buenos Aires, Argentina. .