Chton | it

Michael Crichton was a writer and filmmaker, best known as the author of Jurassic Park and the creator of ER. His most recent novel, Next, about genetics and law, was published in December 2006. Crichton graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College, received his MD from Harvard Medical School, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, researching public policy with Jacob Bronowski. He has taught courses in anthropology at Cambridge University and writing at MIT. Crichton's 2004 bestseller, State of Fear, acknowledged the world was growing warmer, but challenged extreme anthropogenic warming scenarios. He predicted...
Chton is a death metal band from Trondheim, Norway, and the name Chton is derived from the word "chthonian" meaning: "...pertaining to the deities, spirits and other beings dwelling under the earth" and is pronounced [k’tôn]. The band was started in late 1999 from the fundaments of a more black metal-inspired formation involving founding members Øyvind (guitar) and Chris (bass). In need of a 2nd guitar-player, Chris approached Torstein (guitar) who had just lost his place in the thrash metal-band Frost (now Imbalance) due to relocation of the band to Oslo. Not long after that Vidar, a fellow bandmate of...
"Ghettos by design" is the second solo album from the Canadian guitar hero Ian Crichton (b. August 3rd 1956). Born in the town of Oakville, Ian and his big brother Jim Crichton early learned to handle the strings. At first Ian played the bass and Jim the guitar, but they soon changed. In 1977 Ian founded the world famous progressive rock band Saga together with his big brother Jim Crichton, lead singer Michael Sadler, drummer Steve Negus and Keyboard player Peter Rochon. His great skills were quickly recognised by the music world and he has been used as a session/studio...