Nicole Seibert | it

Megan’s love of music started in the fourth grade when she sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow” for a talent show. This sparked the musical passion in Megan that has led her to become the successful musician she is today. She impresses her viewers with her powerful vocals, and she charms them with her gifted guitar and piano playing. Upon meeting Megan, it is quite obvious that her musical talents aren’t her only notable qualities: in addition to her talent and beauty, she is exceptionally humble and sweet. Megan spends her free time volunteering for youth, working for charities, and replying...
Nicole Elikolani Prescovia Scherzinger (nata il 29 giugno, 1978) è una cantante, attrice e ballerina statunitense, nota soprattutto quale voce principale del gruppo musicale "The Pussycat Dolls" (prima delle PCD era nel gruppo femminile Eden's Crush, gruppo formatosi grazie allo show della WB nel 2001: Popstars). Nicole è nata ad Honolulu, isole Hawaii, da padre filippino e madre russo-hawaiiana ed è cresciuta nella città di Louisville (Kentucky) insieme alla sorella Ke'ala, presso la casa del padre adottivo di origine polacca. Fu in questa città che la Scherzinger cominciò la sua carriera, frequentando la "Youth Performing Arts School" e la "DuPont...
Nicole Blackman is a spoken word artist/music publicist from New York City. Her works include collaborations with Recoil, KMFDM and The Golden Palominos. Nicole's throaty, smoky voice lends itself well to the snapshots of creeping horror, terrible beauty, and overriding desire she shows us in her work as in her poetry collection Blood Sugar. .
Nicole Michell is a flutist and composer, who leads several musical projects. She is a member of AACM and have been working with the most prominent figures in the vibrant Chicago jazz community. Her most well-known band is the Black Earth Ensemble, which ranges from a trio to fifteen-piece group. The music is a "multi-genre celebration of the African-American cultural legacy" that mixes together jazz, funk, Caribbean, Latin and blues. The group have released three albums: "Vision Quest" (2001), "Afrika Rising" (2002) and "Hope, Future and Destiny" (2004), all on Mitchell's own Dreamtime label. .