Danny and the Champions of the World | it

Originariamente il gruppo, formato nel 2003, si chiamava Sangoku Road di cui facevano parte 7 componenti. Poco tempo dopo, 2 membri, il sassofonista Seika e l’altro cantante Hiko, decisero di lasciare la band, e dopo il loro abbandono, i 5 rimasti, decisero di cambiare il nome del gruppo in "UVERworld". Gli UVERworld sono una band giapponese, prevalentemente rock, ma con una varietà di generi musicali, come il pop, rap, elettronica e beat-boxing. Inoltre la band ha una mascotte, UVERchan, che è un personaggio inventato simile ad un orso con le ali da pipistrello, che appare su molte delle loro copertine....
Daniel Morales, better known as Danny Ocean (formerly: Danny O.C.T.), is a Venezuelan singer and producer born in Caracas, Venezuela but resident of Miami, Florida. Began in music professionally around the year 2009 when he created his video channel on YouTube. He is best known for his song "Me Rehúso", released in September 2016, and relaunched in 2017 for its late success in several countries of Latin America, Europe and the United States, with an English version of it, called "Baby I Won't". The success of the song made him to be the first independent artist to position himself in...
History Vocal harmony trio The New World are one of the genuine curiosities of Australian pop. If they're remembered at all today, it's most likely for their 1971 hit "Tom Tom Turnaround". However, they scored an impressive run of chart success in the early Seventies, their story intersects with some of the biggest names in British music, and they were instrumental in launching the career of one of the most successful writer-producer teams in pop history. The group formed in Brisbane in 1967. In 1968 they signed with Albert Productions, whose recordings were released on EMI's Parlophone label. They achieved...
Progetto solista di ambient black metal che ha vita nel 2005 in Germania, Georg Borner è l'unico componente della band. I testi trattano temi come il vuoto interiore, il suicidio e la misantropia Discografia: 2006 - The Stars Are Dead Now (EP) 2008 - Melancholie² .