Pipe | it

It’s been three years since ?uestlove (of The Roots) famously revealed: "I listened to the album (Triple P) seven times in a row.......I made 23 friends listen to the album 3 days straight....... at gunpoint - I'm on the run. I will go to jail for Platinum Pied Pipers!!!!" And the time has been well used by the duo, who have since changed their name to the more simply stated PPP. The group’s latest incarnation will be releasing a new EP on Ubiquity Records in the spring of 2008, with the follow-up album, Abundance, dropping in the fall. Never ones...
Al nome di Red Hot Chilli Pipers risponde un gruppo folk scozzese che concentra tutta la sua produzione attorno allo strumento delle Highlands per eccellenza, cioè la cornamusa (bagpipe). Con un'ampia formazione a cui fanno capo i tre bagpipers ripropongono grandi classici della musica celtica, irlandese e scozzese, ma allo stesso tempo presentano in chiave personalissima brani di grande successo come We will rock you dei Queen, Smoke on the water dei Deep Purple o Clocks dei Coldplay... ovviamente dando loro, con le cornamuse, quel tocco di scozzesità che rende queste cover particolarissime. All'attivo, dal 2004, anno di formazione, hanno...
Piper is the name of two artists: 1.) The first Piper was a New York City based pop rock/power pop band from 1975-1978. They released two albums for A&M Records: a self-titled debut in 1976 that was followed by 'Can't Wait' in 1977. After touring with Kiss during the Love Gun tour, but receiving little airplay, the group then dissolved. Lead singer/guitarist Billy Squier went on to become a successful solo artist in the early 80s. Drummer Richie Fontana went on to play drums on Paul Stanley's 1978 platinum solo album and later with Laura Branigan. Today, they have an...
Waterpipes consists of two members, Marcel and Dennis. The Dutch and the Greek met in Athens where, after a big debate whether Dutch Gouda cheese is better than Greek Feta, they discovered their mutual love for songwriting, instruments and music in general. After regular jamming and performing on the streets, hills, parties and bars around Athens, the two decided to give it a name and record some of their songs. Waterpipes was born and the result was a four song demo cd. This demo cd was soon heard by several people in the music industry and after no time they...
Ah ! Or che posai le mie stanche terga su morbide pelli et lo foco ravvivò le mie vetuste ossa….Barbari, or son pronto a contar favella Auscultate…….. Foco et vento provengono dallo cielo, dalli Dei dello cielo ma est Taranis lo vostro Deo ! Taranis che vive inta la Tempesta ! ...In lo antico tempore li giganti viveano sovra la terra et inta l'oscuritade dello caos mistificarono Taranis et li sottrassero lo misterio della musica tonante. Taranis se adirò et la terra tutta tremò et foco et vento abbatterono quei giganti et scagliarono li loro corpi inta le acque !...
Trovato 175 canzoni, durata: 10:41:25
Lua Portuguesa
Beautiful Worn-Out Love
Pipe up
Pipe Dream
Ganja Pipe
Metal pipe
Pipe (Original Mix)
RIOT (Rowdy Pipe'n)
Drunken Pipe Bomb
Pipe Dreams
Тапку в пол
Долбит хуево
Муси Пуси pipe remix
Pipe Dreams
Metal Pipe Falling Phonk
Rusty Pipe
Pipe Dream
Pipe Dreams
Sad Water Pipe
Pipe down (Slowed)
Pipe Blows
Pipe Organ
Tick Tock
Red Pipe
Pipe Melody (Pitchdown Version)
RIOT (Rowdy Pipe’n) (OG Version)
Pipe Bomb
Brake Pipe and Hose(OST NFS PRO STREET)
Brake Pipe and Hose
Pipe Dream