Prince Of Darkness | it

Princess Princess (プリンセス・プリンセスPurinsesu Purinsesu) (commonly referred to in Japan as Puri-Puri) was a five-piece Japanese Rock/Pop girl band from 1983-1996. They were previously known as "Julian Mama" and "Akasaka Komachi (赤坂小町) " (one album released under this name). Members * Kaori Okui (奥居香) (born February 17, 1967) - Lead vocals, guitar Because after the dissolution of the band was married Goro Kishitani(岸谷五朗) actor, and has been working under the name of Kaori Kishitani(岸谷香) incense. * Kanako Nakayama (中山加奈子) (born November 2, 1964) - Lead guitar, vocals * Atsuko Watanabe (渡辺敦子) (born October 26, 1964) - Bass guitar, vocals * Tomoko...
Prince of Tennis is an indiepop / electronic / lo-fi / chillwave project. See more at It may also be an incorrect name for a soundtrack by 渡部チェル and other. If so, please fix your tags. .
Con il suo one man project Les Joyaux De La Princesse, Erik Konofal può, a ragione, essere considerato l'iniziatore del cosiddetto Martial Ambient/Industrial. Collezionista di vecchi 78 giri e di materiale sonoro di origine storica, Konofal ha man mano portato questo sottogenere a un livello di comunicatività impressionante, attraverso opere di elevato spessore artistico in cui, accanto all’elemento musicale (elettronico o di matrice classica), convivono discorsi politici, voci trovate, vecchie canzoni popolari, tutte appartenenti a un periodo della storia francese compreso tra la Prima e la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Uno stile unico, maturato progressivamente lungo una ventennale carriera di culto,...