Joris Delacroix | it

Bert Joris started studying music at an early age. At first, he played piano and violin, but eventually, at the age of fourteen, he settled on the trumpet. He had a classic education at the Antwerp music conservatory, even though jazz held a greater attraction for him, being a style that was better suited to developing his creative talents. From 1978 to 1987, he worked with the BRT Jazz Orchestra, which was led by Etienne Verscheuren. Initially, he played the trumpet there, but he also attracted notice as a composer and arranger and eventually became a guest conductor. Meanwhile, Bert...
Joris Voorn is a producer and DJ from Amsterdam. Raised in a musical family, music became a big part of his life from an early age. In about 1995, electronic music caught his attention for the first time. Getting deeper into this music as he started DJing in 1997, Joris developed an interest in techno and house. He started thinking about making his own music and bought the versatile MC-303 groovebox to experiment with synth and drumloops. At the end of 2000, Joris started building a small studio to produce his own output - this led to his first release,...
Marcelo Delacroix cursou o Bacharelado em música, com ênfase em violão, pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Estudou na Escola de Música da Ospa e atualmente conclui o curso de Licenciatura em Música na UFRGS. Músico, compositor, cantor e arranjador, Marcelo tem dois discos independentes gravados: Marcelo Delacroix (2000) e Depois do Raio (2006). Ambos os álbuns foram vencedores do Prêmio Açoriano, uma das premiações mais importantes na área cultural no Estado. O primeiro disco ganhou o prêmio da categoria de Melhor Disco de MPB. O segundo, Depois do Raio, foi vencedor de Melhor Disco de MPB e...