Sonido Verde de Moyobamba | it

Walverdes is a Brazilian rock band from the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, formed by Gustavo "Mini" Bittencourt (guitars/vocals), Marcos Rubenich (drums) and Patrick Magalhães (bass/vocals). Already described as "the best brazilian power-trio" by the TRIP magazine, they are one of the main representants of the brazilian independent rock scene, along with MQN, Mechanics, Pata de Elefante, and others. The band is about to release their fourth album. Breakdance should be available through Monstro Discos in 2010. .
There are two bands named Verdelet. 1. Verdelet is a black metal band formed in the South of England in December 2011 by bassist Hareth In April 2012 they released a full length album before performing 14 dates in 8 countries across Europe with Nachtmystium (USA) and Dark Fortress (GER). described Verdelet's live performances as "colossal in sound and tight in their grip". In 2013 they performed at Stonehenge Festival in the Netherlands, as well as UK tours with Enthroned (BEL) and Endstille (GER) before releasing the thoroughly bleak 4 track EP, 'Lights of the Old World'. Terrorizer featured...
Pau Vallvé (Barcelona 1981) Compositor, productor, músic i serieaddicte. Vaig començar a tocar la bateria als 3 anys, a estudiar música als 6, a tocar en grups als 10, vaig fer el meu primer disc als 15, vaig començar a gravar-me i produïr-me els meus propis discs als 18, vaig començar a fer gires de concerts dels meus discs als 24, vaig engegar el meu propi estudi de gravació als 26 i el meu propi segell discogràfic als 28. Als 29 he tret el meu 12è disc. Excepte els vents i les cordes, toco tots els instruments en els meus...