Wiener Philharmoniker | it

The “Choralschola der Wiener Hofburgkapelle” exclusively consists of former members of the “Wiener Sängerknaben”. Since 1952 the ensemble has been singing the Gregorian chants at the Sunday services in the Wiener Hofburgkapelle. Due to this continuous work, the the Schola developed into an internationally acclaimed vocal ensemble. In search of adequate contemporary interpretation, the ensemble also relies on the scientific results of the musicological and historical research concerning the tradition of Gregorian music. Since 2002 the Schola, being complemented by boy singers, has been collaborating with René Clemencic to also concentrate on the music from the founding era of the...
Evil Wiener were a goofball pop band that existed during the renaissance period of Chapel Hill, NC in the early 90s. Unlike the bands that characterized the region's sound, Evil Wiener played dirt simple rock songs and dressed up as elves, monsters, or basically as whatever they could find in the closets of their friends before the gig. They put on fun live shows and released a seven inch record called "The Truth About Mary Poppins" that is out of print and nearly impossible to track down. Unfortunately, the band broke up before the release of their album, the Haunted...
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (in German: Wiener Philharmoniker) is the best known orchestra in Austria and one of the best ensembles in the world. Its home base is the world-famous Musikverein. The members of the orchestra are chosen from the Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera. The orchestra can trace its origins back to 1842, when Otto Nicolai formed what he called a "Philharmonic Academy"; it was an orchestra which was fully independent, and which took all its decisions by a democratic vote of all its members. These are principles the orchestra still holds today. Since 1933, the orchestra has...
I Berliner Philharmoniker (nome ufficiale prima del 2002 Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester, cioè Orchestra Filarmonica di Berlino) sono una tra le più prestigiose orchestre sinfoniche del mondo. Nata dallo scioglimento di due complessi orchestrali berlinesi nel 1882, l'orchestra iniziò una brillante attività concertistica sotto la guida di Franz Wüllner. L'orchestra elegge autonomamente il proprio direttore stabile; dalla creazione del complesso i direttori stabili sono stati: Franz Wüllner dal 1883, Hans von Bülow dal 1887, Arthur Nikisch dal 1895, Wilhelm Furtwängler dal 1922, e poi dal 1955 Herbert von Karajan ne divenne il direttore per 35 anni. Con Nikisch, i Berliner affrontarono...