De Profundis | it

Profundis Tenebrarum is a black metal band from Spain (Valencia) that formed in 1995. Lyrical themes include Antichristianity, Death & Darkness. Current line-up Nocturn - Guitar, Vocals, Keyboards (Voice of Hate, Acriter (Esp), Martyrum Omnium, Obscure (Esp), Domains (Esp)) Estela - Bass (Acriter (ESP)) Nosfer - Guitar (Obscure (Esp), Slugfeast, Deadhermit, Der Führer des Schattens) Session Drums: Alfred Berengena (Nebulah (Esp), Mistweaver (Esp), Meltdown (Mex), Scent of Death (Esp)) Nocturn is the owner of Antichristian Front Records. Discography : Dark and Eternal (Demo, 1997) Abhorrent Christendom (Demo, 2001) Traumatic Soul Coronation (Demo, 2001) Extreme Violent Art (Full-length, 2004) Hell Bestial...
There are at least 3 bands with the same name: 1. A British extreme metal band (active 2005 - present) 2. A Hungarian melodic black metal band (active 2008 - present) 3. A French melodic black metal band (active 1996 - 2000. Name changed to Ad Inferna 2000 -2002, 2008 - present) 1. De Profundis is a progressive extreme metal band from the UK that is influenced by many diverse musical styles ranging from death metal, black metal, doom metal, progressive rock and jazz, . Their third album “The Emptiness Within” which came out in May 2012 has seen the...