Spool | it

Ugress side project. Uncanny Planet Records is proud to announce the digital release of Nebular Spool. Lo-fi retro-organic digital steampunk - sounds of dead dreams and begone futures. Or that is what we think it is supposed to be. We don't know much about Nebular Spool, it is all quite the mystery to us. One early morning we came into office, and a letter we hadn't seen before was already there on the floor. If this had been a film noir this would not surprise us at all, but actually this is Western Norway, 2007 and it is quite impossible...
SPOOL SAVES THE WORLD is the long-anticipated second CD from the band SPOOL, whose debut self-titled release in 1998 stunned and seduced listeners and critics alike with its lush foliage of acoustic/organic electronica. SSTW delivers more of SPOOL's unmistakable vibe, but pushing in new directions - from the melancholic reflection of 'tuesday' to the triumphant cataclysm of 'xok'. SPOOL is the collaboration between jhno (John Eichenseer) and John Ridenour. jhno was a fixture on the San Francisco Bay Area 'ambient scene' in the late nineties and early two thousands, whose work is documented by a series of recordings released by...
Cesspool of Vermin is a brutal death metal/ slam death metal band from Gastonia ,North Carolina, USA. They formed in 2006 by Derek Haymore (Guitars/Bass, Winters Dying Breath, Lust of Decay, Rupture Christ), Jay Barnes (Vocals, Lust of Decay, Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement) and Drummer Jordan Varela ( Lust of Decay, Lividity, Debodified, Carcinogenic, Epic of Empyrea, Shuriken Cadaveric Entwinement, Domination Through Impurity, Symphony in Acrimony) joined later on to the mix. The band plays lowdown death metal with extreme vocals rather like Cerebral Incubation or dysentery. The band released two demos in 2007 and 2008 which got them a record...