The story of Star Fucking Hipsters begins in 2004, when world renowned ska-punks Leftöver Crack were about to head out on their annual European tour and singer/guitarist Sturgeon & then current LoC drummer Brandon Chevalier-Kolling started planning a new band for the new year which included writing a jump off track eventually documented with LoC when the band entered the BBCs world-famous Maida Vale studio to record several songs for the UK’s Radio 1 program “The Lock Up.” at the end of said tour. That extra new track penned by Sturg & Brandon (eventually titled “Look Who’s Talking Now!”) marked...
Picasso may refer to: * Picasso, the rock band from Santa Clarita, Ca on Roam The River Records. Out of the diverse and cultural mecca that is the desert, a band of four young men with one common goal came together. The majority of the band(Andrew, Andy and Zach) had been playing as a group since high school and had gone through a plethora of different styles and band names. The three now matched with Rob Emmons(Pale New Dawn, The Gamble) began playing together and writing songs to record in the studio. Sporting songs which touch on a variety of...
1. Black Metal from Poland featuring members of Iuvenes. Pure veles worship. 2. Punk hardcore band from São Paulo. http://werewolfcrew.bandcamp.com/ 3. Black metal band from Sweden. Released one demo "The Werewolf Is Unleashed" .