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I Delain sono un gruppo musicale symphonic metal formato nei Paesi Bassi, fondata dall'ex tastierista dei Within Temptation, Martijn Westerholt. Il nome viene da The Kingdom of Delain, dal libro The Eyes of the Dragon di Stephen King. I Delain sono fondati da Martijn Westerholt, ex tastierista e fratello di Robert Westerholt uno dei fondatori dei Within Temptation. Martijn Westerholt lascia i Within Temptation nel 2001 e l'anno dopo inizia con il progetto Delain, anche se l'album di debutto esce nel 2006 dopo avere firmato un contratto con la Roadrunner Records. I componenti della band sono Martijn Westerholt (tastiere), Charlotte...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Polly is a French songwriter and singer, known as Daughters of Albion's guitarist and singer. She has released two cover albums. 2) Karolis - vocals | Edit - back vocals | Marius - guitar | Tomas - bass guitar | Justas - drums | Rimas - management | 3) Polly is also Finnish DJ. 4) Another Polly is the Slovenian hip hop/rap artist, one of the few women in the genre (MySpace). 5) polly (ポーリー) is the name of a Japanese indie-rock band. 6) Polly is ambient electronic artist from...
Due sono gli eventi che hanno forgiato la vita e la carriera di Alain Souchon: la morte del padre in un incidente nel quale anche l’allora quindicenne Alain fu coinvolto, e l’incontro con il produttore ed autore Laurent Voulzy. Fra i due eventi si colloca la grande passione di Souchon per la musica, i suoi primi timidi tentativi di imporsi (con un paio di 45 giri purtroppo di nessun successo) e la sua tendenza a chiudersidentro un proprio universo di riflessione. Sarà “L’Amour 1830”, nato dalla collaborazione con Voulzy, ad imporlo al grande pubblico francese e - in tono minore...
Known as the girl with big red curls and weak ankles, Shirley MacLaine was born Shirley MacLean Beaty on April 24, 1934, to Virginia native Ira Owens Beaty and his wife, Kathlyn. Ira and Kathlyn gave up their dreams to raise their family. Before Shirley was three years old, her brother and rival Warren Beatty was born on March 30 or 31, 1937. Shirley was the tallest in her ballet classes at the Washington School of Ballet. She had an excellent batting average in baseball but, as she discovered, it wasn't a good thing for a girl to do, so...
Soren Laulainen started off his music career in Beaverton, Oregon, where he composed primarily electronic, loop-based music. As he continued to write music his skill and popularity increased, and he began diverging and writing music in other styles. He currently resides in the Seattle area where he writes music for short films. .