The Ticket That Exploded | it

I Take That sono una boy band inglese originaria di Manchester. Attivi nella prima metà degli anni novanta, sono comunemente considerati i pionieri del loro genere nel Regno Unito, e sono stati gli idoli di un'intera generazione di adolescenti e di ragazzine di tutta Europa. Inizialmente facevano parte della formazione Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Jason Orange, Howard Donald e Robbie Williams. Quest'ultimo lasciò il gruppo nel luglio 1995, dando il la allo scioglimento della band, che avvenne il 13 febbraio 1996. I pezzi dance-pop e le ballate soul dei Take That hanno dominato le classifiche inglesi, e occasionalmente anche quelle...
Japanese punk/hardcore band. Active in 1998-2002. The band was named after The Smiths' song. Vocal, Guitar : Jun Nemoto Guitar : Kei Uozu Bass : Akio Mori Drums : Ayumu Nemoto Formed from the members of SWIPE. They played a lot of shows with the bands like Envy, Nine Days Wonder, Kulara, 400Years, With Love, Engine Down. Members went on to form bands like: As Meias, Z, and Hununhum... .
There are at least two groups using this name: 1) All That Jazz was originally a temporary group commissioned by Studio Ghibli to create jazz-style covers of soundtracks from Japan’s Studio Ghibli animated films. They went on to make covers of popular Japanese music and anime theme songs. Much of All That Jazz’s music is purely instrumental, but COSMIC HOME's Yuriko Kuwahara (桑原由里子, クワハラユリコ) and Naomi Hattori (服部直美) provide vocals on many tracks. Only Kuwahara sings on the Studio Ghibli covers, while their other cover albums feature both Hattori and Kuwahara. 2)A Swedish new wave/post punk band active from 1981...
That Summer is David Sanson's musical project. Raised in Chateauroux in France, David Sanson attended the academy of music for ten years, and was brought up with the classical music and jazz of his parents, as well as becoming interested in cold wave and « industrial » tones. Tony Wakeford (Death In June, Sol Invictus) listened to one of his first demos and encouraged him to continue and finally produced his first full-length in 1993: DROWSINESS OF ANCIENT GARDENS is the result of one week's work with an analog 8-track recorder, featuring intimate and mostly piano/cello compositions. Due to this...