Ranger | it

1. Perfect Strangers was a synthpop band out of Concord, California. Their sound was synth-heavy and upbeat, and the band released only one EP, Fascination 12" before dissolving. The band reformed under the name Skindeep in the mid-80s. 2. Perfect strangers are also a rock band from Koper (Slovenia), active since 2012. 3. There was also a band from Christchurch, New Zealand in the early 1980's called Perfect Strangers. .
There are 3 artists/bands thats been using the name Perfect Stranger: psy trance producer Yuli Fershtat, country music group from Texas, US, and metal band from Sweden. 1. Perfect Stranger is Yuli Fershtat, born 1970 also well known under the guise of BLT. He is a musician and a graduate in Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy. In Yuli's resume there are 4 full length artist albums and quite a few single tracks released on numerous compilations and EP's in Israel and around the world the last few years. Yuli DJ's on a weekly basis in most of the Israeli trance outfits...
Il bassista Jack Blades formò insieme al batterista Kelly Keagy e al chitarrista Brad Gillis una band inizialmente chiamata Stereo, a cui si aggiunsero in seguito il tastierista Alan Fitzgerald e il chitarrista Jeff Watson. La band cambiò poi nome in Ranger, ma, per evitare conflitti legali con un'omonima country band, assunse definitivamente il nome Night Ranger. Nel 1982 la band registrò l'album di debutto, Down Patrol. L'album, supportato dal singolo Don't Tell Me You Love Me, ottenne un discreto successo e nello stesso anno i Night Ranger partirono in tour con i ZZ Top e con Ozzy Osbourne; quest'ultimo,...
There are multiple artists with this name. 1) The Stranger is Leyland Kirby (aka V/Vm and The Caretaker). 2) The Stranger is a recently reunited garage/punk/rockabilly group from Chicago, IL, United States, featuring members of Deal's Gone Bad and The Peelers. 3) The Stranger is an alternative weekly newspaper in Seattle, WA, United States, which features Dan Savage's sex advice column Savage Love and a podcast version called Savage Lovecast. 4) The Stranger is a progressive metal band from Brisbane, Australia. .