Kalweit and The Spokes | it

Spokes are a band based in Manchester and Newcastle (UK), brought together in 2006 by a combination of boyhood friendships, family ties and a relentless love of recording and touring. Critics have praised them for their grand sound, buoyed by bittersweet joy and devastating lows. While sounding like a band with much more than 5 members they go from euphoric noise to moments of intense stillness. While drawing upon folk, shoegaze, slowcore and post-rock their music is always distilled down into something distinctly their own. In 2007 they recorded their debut EP People Like People Like You which combined their...
Spokes Mashiyane is a legendary penny whistle player in South Africa and one of the primary exponents of Kwela. Kwela is described accurately in wikipedia as follows. 'Kwela is a happy, often pennywhistle based, street music from southern Africa with jazzy underpinnings. It evolved from the marabi sound and brought South African music to international prominence in the 1950s.' .
Kalweit and the Spokes è il nome del nuovo progetto della cantante di Minneapolis Georgeanne Kalweit, del batterista Leziero Rescigno e del chitarrista Giovanni Calella. Una sorprendente ricerca del diamante grezzo dei generi musicali, dall’ “old school blues” al folk, dall’alt-country al post-punk. Caratterizza il suono ed il mood creato attorno ad voce così intensa e inusualmente profonda come quella di Georgeanne. Le canzoni sono sentieri intricati, reali o immaginari, talvolta ispirati da personaggi misteriosi e mitici come la diva del film muto Clara Bow (in “Clara Bow”) o da quadri di Edward Hopper (come in “New York Movie”). Tutto...
Trovato 30 canzoni, durata: 01:39:50
Around the Edges
Around the Edges
Around the Edges
Pull the Drapes
Barbie Bit the Dust
Curtains Part 2
Split Us In Two