KRamp | it

Krampüs band was founded in Veszprém at summer 2009. They want to be the Earth’s most destructive live band... They are already proved it partially, because their (held) concerts were very intensive, and those people who are not really grindcore/ death metal fans came back with positive comments. The band's first demo with eight tracks was made at the beginning of 2010, with the title ’Perverted and Sadistic’. It has got good reviews, too. They had one member change at the drums, so the line-up is the next now: Bálint Takács – bassist and vocalist, Norbert Kiss- drums, Tamás Kovács-...
There are two bands named Kramp. One is from Turkey and the other from Belgrade, Serbia. The Turkish band is hardrock, and the Serbian one is grindcore-death metal with two singers, male and female. Grup 1984 yılında Nezih ONUR (Bas Gitar/Vokal), Doğan SAKİN (Gitar/Vokal) ve İdris TÜBCİL (Davul), tarafından kuruldu. Daha sonra gruba Ahmet KARAFERYA (Vokal) de eklendi fakat Ahmet ile bir şekilde ilgili bazı parçalar ilk albümde yer almasına rağmen kendisi ancak ikinci albüm İstanbul Sokakları'nda yer alabildi. Grup 1986 yılında Onlarla isimli demosunu kendi imkanlarıyla yeraltı piyasasına sürmüştü. 1993 yılında ise ilk şirket albümleri Püf Püf'ü ŞAHİN Plak'tan...
Krampfhaft is Joris van Grunsven from Utrecht. He produces bass music in everchanging forms. “Krampfhaft is one of the most exciting producers I’ve been hearing lately. He straddles this kind of post-dubstep, street bass, footwurk world but does it all in his own unique way." - Starkey .