Witchthroat Serpent | it

The band formed in 2005. Hailing from Macedonia of all off-the-beaten track places, Serpentine Fire (no relation to the Earth, Wind & Fire song of the same name) play a strikingly and well-produced concoction of mid- to uptempo traditional metal with subtle thrash underpinnings (if you’ll pardon the oxymoron-like couplet “subtle thrash”). In other words, this is somewhat akin to “power metal” as it was known in the mid-eighties: the chunk-riffed median between plain ol’ heavy metal and all-out thrash. I’m feeling Vicious Rumors and Onslaught here, for sure, and if it loses a point or three with regard to...
David Meltzer è un poeta newyorkese trasferitosi a San Francisco. Da una sua ambiziosa opera letteraria rimasta incompiuta, Rock Tao, proviene lo spirito di serpent power (1967), nel quale si fondono misticismo, esotismo, yoga, intuizioni pre-new age, una "poesia che rifiorisce attraverso la musica di San Francisco". Nel 1969 David e Tina Meltzer pubblicheranno un disco di canzoni folk e poesie, Poet Song. Formazione David Meltzer (voce, chitarra); Tina Meltzer (voce); Danny Ellis (chitarra); David Stenson (basso); John Payne (organo); Clark Coolidge (batteria). .
Witchthroat Serpent is a French stoner/doom metal band from Toulouse. .