Mr Irish Bastard | it

Irishman Mr. Irish Bastard, or that f@@@ing bastard, as he is fondly known to friend and foe alike, writes drink-drenched songs that capture the spirit of the country and the raw energy of his punk roots. It's rough, it's dirty and it's straight from the heart. The boys and girl have released "St. Mary's School of Drinking" and "The Bastard Brotherhood" in February 2008. The band is now going to hit the road, drink, party, be obscene and are going to get into some probably punishable acts! Coming along? .
The Sad Bastard Book Club was formed in 2004 as an actual book club in San Francisco. Since then, it has become a musical project of varying members and sounds. Over the past 9 years, they have created a number of conflicting biographies, making biographical information purposely sketchy and unreliable. The group released a number of one-off CDs from 2004-2007. Many of these recordings were put out by Devil's Ruin Records in 2008 as the album The Collected Short Stories of Carrie Anne Crowe. (An audio book of the same title was released featuring stories about the songs and some...
Il trio dei Bastardi nasce, cresce, si sbubba di gran lena in quella delle valli alpine del Trentino. Sono rispettati nel circuito provinciale per l’innumerevole quantità di live eseguiti dal 2003 al 2009, un vanto, considerando la loro indipendenza da contratti discografici e agenzie di booking. Due dischi autoprodotti nel 2006 e 2007. Dopo migliaia di quintali scaricati dal loro furgone, dopo migliaia di chilometri macinati in giro per la regione, dopo migliaia di ore di sonno perse e altrettanti sbadigli in cantiere la mattina, per sbaglio, approdano in televisione. Proprio dove non avrebbero mai voluto stare. E invece di...
The Irish Experience play Celtic and Appalachian music on traditional and electric instruments. The band was formed in 1996 to play a Saint Patrick's Day show in Seattle, USA. A self-titled CD was released in 2003 with lineup consisting of Joe Bowbeer, Tom Hotchkin, Tom May and Dave Smith. The track Morrison's Jig was licensed by Hallmark in 2008 for use in their Say It With Music line of greeting cards. Green Energy featuring The Wicked Jig was released in 2009. The track Paddy on the Landfill is featured in the movie Kill the Irishman released in 2011. Official site...
Dr Bastardo aka Tom Wong, based in Brighton UK . see peace .