The Loneliest Cowgirls | it

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Imagine you are at a garage sale, looking through a couple's cassette collection when one catches your eye. It is simple, plain, and entirely handmade. You ask the lady about it, and she says it was from a friend in high school. You ask her to tell you more only to hear that she hasn't heard from him since.

This is the beauty of The Loneliest Cowgirls.

Pitchfork has been a big fan since day one, saying unashamedly
"This is an emotional, psychological experience. The Loneliest Cowgirls sounds like a clouded brain trying to recall an alien abduction. It's the sound of a band, and its leader, losing faith in themselves, destroying themselves, and subsequently rebuilding a perfect entity. In other words, The Loneliest Cowgirls hated being The Loneliest Cowgirls, but ended up with the most ideal, natural The Loneliest Cowgirls record yet."

"Take the vocals of Neutral Milk Hotel, the riffs of Leonard Cohen and the audio quality of The Velvet Underground, add some of the most stunning tales of destructive love and mindless fatanism, mix them with innovative uses of the mic and you shall obtain one of the most haunting records of the nineties." .

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