The Gault | it

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San Francisco

The Gault plays cold western doom metal somewhere between the introspective dramatic strings of Amber Asylum and the droning, epic black metal of Weakling. The vocals are very reminiscent of the stylings of Ian Curtis (Joy Division) and Michael Gira (Swans, The Angels of Light).

The Gault is now a dead band.

Their only album Even as All Before Us is co-released by Amortout productions (Fr) and Flood the Earth Productions (USA).

The Gault's lineup:

John Gossard (vocalist of Weakling, guitarist of Asunder, now in Dispirit): Guitar
Ed Kunakemakorn: Vocals
Sarah Weiner (ex-Weakling, now in Amber Asylum): Drums
Lorraine Rath (now in Amber Asylum, as well as Worm Ouroboros): Bass and Vocals

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