The Baird Sisters | it

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Back in 2003, sisters Laura and Meg Baird from USA played a series of self written and traditional songs together which were recorded and issued as the self-released ‘Home’. We reviewed it at the time at The Unbroken Circle and wrote:

“…they lull us with gorgeous duo versions of songs old and new, all woven into a flowing, cohesive whole. They play guitar and banjo behind their twin vocals, simple but so difficult to get right. Yet here you would swear you were listening to a classic release of USA music from sixty years ago. That’s not to say they don’t sound fresh, it’s just that they have so effortlessly tapped into the folk music of the country.”

These words still ring true, their duets of banjo, guitar and vocals tap into the simple heart of traditional songs. They understand the music intuitively, their own songs sounding like a natural continuation of music originally performed hundreds of years ago.

Meg Baird will be known to many as a many of leading psychedelic-folk band ‘Espers’. This set of songs is remarkably similar to her recent solo album and the live set with Sharron Kraus and Helen Espvall ‘Leaves From Off The Tree’. So although this set is now four years old, it sounds relevant to music being made now.

As the samples attest, this is a fresh, pure sound unadorned or tainted by modernity. It has taken over a year since we originally had discussions with the sisters about bringing their music to the service, but it has been worth the wait. Here’s hoping they produce more together in coming years. .

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