Scooter Lee | it

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Scooter Lee - GA - Artist / Founder & CEO
32 Years in the Music Business as Writer / Active Touring Artist
Publisher: Sony / ATV Music Publisher
Record Label: Scootway Records
Distributor: Universal Records International
1) Owns and operates International Distribution Company for Audio and Video for dance for past 10 years.
2) Three years with "Georgia Prisons - A New Approach - Dealing with the Repercussions of Child Abuse"
Created program with Helen Scholes (GA. Superintendent) who helped implement program throughout GA Prisons.
3) Childline Charity - raising funding through media, TV, radio, sales of CD's, Videos and Line Dance Workshops throughout the United Kingdom from 1996 - 1999.
4) Last 10 years specializing in dance / line dance
5) Last 5 years - specializing in line dance for those over the age of 50.
6) Host of Line Dancing Portion - National Senior Olympics.

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