Sayvinyl | it

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Any of Sayvinyl's five members will tell you that this band is the most fulfilling project they've ever participated in. That's saying a lot about a band that formed just over a year ago, especially when you consider the previous exploits of it's musicians. During former tenures with Counterfit, Operatic, and First Wave Hello; Sayvinyl's members have played all over North America, performed numerous Warped Tour Dates, and toured with My Chemical Romance, Finch, Hot Rod Circuit, and Face to Face.

To call this new band a departure from the sound of their previous projects would certainly be fair. Embracing eclectic instrumentation, and quirky pop melodies, Sayvinyl makes music that manages to bring to mind David Bowie, Queen, or the Beatles without approaching imitation. That's not to say that there's anything 'retro' about Sayvinyl, though. The songs are creative and contemporary, drawing occasional comparisons to artists like the Shins, or Cursive.

The band's refreshing approach to songwriting is paralleled in their lyrics. The writing is honest, unpretentious, and relatable. Many of the songs express frustration with the state of the modern music industry without ever sounding preachy or boring. The group manages to walk the line line between not taking themselves seriously, and having something to say.

There's an irreverent freedom present in every Sayvinyl song. In an industry full of fashion-first carbon-copies and bloodless re-hashings, Sayvinyl manages to write songs that are at once familiar, refreshing, and their own.

Sayvinyl has just released their debut CD, 'God Forbid' and returned from a nationwide tour with Trever Keith of Face to Face. They've licensed songs for the video game Tony Hawk's Proving Ground, the Etnies 'Grounded' video, and the Etnies 'Restless' video. The band has performed live on Fuel TV's 'The Daily Habit', been a featured artist on MySpace, won a 2008 San Diego Music Award, has been interviewed and played on FM 94.9, Sirius radio, and seen airplay on 91x. .

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