Rasplyn | it

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Rasplyn is the solo project of Carolyn O’Neill who uses her experience with classical composition and film to create mystical and visual landscapes with her music. Carolyn is a Chicago native who grew up playing the clarinet and organ. After playing in her high school orchestra for four years she went on to receive her degree in Music Composition from Columbia College Chicago. Her music is dark, but beautiful and filled with textured layers influenced by world culture and fantasy. Her style is transforming as she experiments with adding vocal elements into the environments she creates. Her debut album via Alrealon Musique will be released in 2014.

Carolyn also plays the bass guitar in a doom metal band called Quadrillion and collaborates with Industrial/Ambient/Drone artist JOHN 3:16 of Alrealon Musique, Switzerland. She co-wrote and played clarinet on ‘Abyss of Hell/Clouds of Fire’ which appeared on his 2012 release, ‘Visions of the Hereafter - Visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory’ and on ‘Yetzer Ra/Derech Hashem’ which will be released on her ‘Priestess of the Goddess’ single on September 2nd, 2013 and on her full-length album. Her collaborations with JOHN 3:16 mix his guitars and beats with layers of her clarinet and vocals to create ambient drone pieces laced with sacred stillness.

She co-founded and directed the Logan Square New Music Ensemble with long time friend and composer Matthew Mehawich from 2011 through 2013. The LSNME was a grass-roots chamber group who performed music written by local contemporary composers in Chicago. Carolyn also composed and played clarinet for the ensemble.

On occasion, Carolyn composes for short films and video projects that have ranged from safari videos, to documentaries, and from Asian themed video game projects to fantasy. She composed music and supervised music production for 'Everything Tastes Better', which won the 2010 Chicago 48 Hr. Film Project for Best Film, Best Music, and 8 other awards. In 2011 she composed the score for 'Lighter Lightness', a short film produced by Resolution Digital Studios, and directed by Mitch Apley.

By day, Carolyn is the Business Manager for Resolution Digital Studios, a full-service video production studio in Chicago and she also attends InVision: A School for Psychics where she gives Clairvoyant readings and Energy Healings. .

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