Radare | it

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Radare are a sludge/post-metal band from Germany with a very unique sound. They're mixing heavy and dark parts with even darker but slower jazzy elements that might remind you of Bohren. They formed after that Actress, their previous band broke up.

"Hailing from Germany, Radare are a four piece post-metal act with hints of ambient and hardcore. It's an interesting mixture to say the least, but not the most original, as one will find splashes of ISIS and Rosetta everywhere. Yet that is not to say that Radare are so keen on ripping off other acts, not in the least. Things like the melancholy trombone, and the plucked strings of a bass add an indelible amount of atmosphere to the album. And this is where Radare excel. While they certainly don't do much to tear down the post-metal standard, they do enough to keep things severely interesting. There are beautiful ambient parts, alongside crushing bouts of heaviness, which keep up the intrigue by altering styles frequently. The more ambient sections rely on minimalistic drums and guitar with a far less distorted sound, while the heavier portions are suffocatingly dense. The ambient passages have a very "airy" feel to them and they have quite a calming feeling, which makes these portions completely beautiful. However, the heavier parts have a different type of atmosphere. They're somewhat menacing and dense, but completely contained. The vocals (of which there are very few) also share this dual styling. The screams are low and dark, while the clean-singing is actually very calm, and very well done. The duality of the two styles that permeate the record mesh surprisingly well, making "Infinite Regress" wholly immersible." .

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