Psykosonik | it

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Psykosonik first album, Psykosonik, was a hard-hitting techno album with cyberpunk-esque lyrics. Songs from this album were featured in the Super Nintendo game, "X-Kaliber 2097".

Their follow-up album, Unlearn, had a completely different sound. Gone were the DJ/techno stylings and sampled guitar tracks; instead, Unlearn was consisted of melodic song-writing and lush electronic soundscapes interspersed with instrumental tracks and ambient music, drawing strong influences from the likes of Depeche Mode.

The band's third album, Spiritual Machine, was completed by 1997 but was never released by the band's label, Wax Trax! Records, who were by this time owned by TVT Records. The experience led to the subsequent disbanding of Psykosonik.

Daniel Lenz went on to produce a single album under the band name Hednoize with a new vocalist, Brent Daniels (aka Free). The album saw a bit of a departure for Lenz in regards to the sound and feel of Unlearn. Opting for a more industrial sound, the album was a hard hitting debut. Unfortunately, label support was minimal, involving mainly a website and a handful of LA club shows. In 2008, Daniel Lenz released his debut solo album, Stuck In a Dream on MP3 download. .

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