Night Gaunts | it

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Night Gaunts hail from Auckland, New Zealand and bring you a brand of high energy, sing-a-long ska, reggae, hip-hop that will imbed itself into your brain from the moment they hit your ears. Self produced in a bedroom these guys have already made a name for themselves internationally. With constant tour requests from all parts of the globe these guys are set to explode!

Night Gaunts live show is something to be remembered with an almost direct, if not better, recreation of their first full length album "Full Body Tourettes [Pt II]." Synths, organs, samples, sax and piano are the sparkling features on top of an already immense sounding rhythm section, leaving the audience to remark "That's the best f**king band I've seen in years!"


Free Discography:

Full Body Tourettes (Pt I) - (11 June 2010)
Full Body Tourettes (Pt II) - (1 January 2011)
Love Life & The Devil - (21 June 2012)

OR if ya wanna help the band out you can buy it here

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