Carbon Airways | it

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Eléonore and Enguérand Fernese are siblings. They build one of the most devastating electro sound. Students to the Academy from 7 years (violin and cello), they quickly appreciate to play in duet at home. They gradually have fun to complete their practice of instruments by learning the electric guitar and the bass near the age of 11 years. Because they want to record their tracks and program various instruments, in order to create their own musical experimentations, they begin their practice of the computer-generated music at the age of 13 years.
Detected in May 2010 by the Association Le Citron Vert from Besançon, specialized in the support of emergent electro projects, they are advised by local artists to optimize their knowledge of the softwares and also strengthen the structuring of their songs.
To promote the release of their first EP "Shake Your Rage" in the beginning of 2011, the band plays to Reperkusound Festival in Lyon then to the Printemps de Bourges (Off). Discovered to this occasion by Jean-Louis Brossard, they participate the same year in the 33 ° edition of the Transmusicales of Rennes 2011, in the overexcited Hall 9.
The choice of their name? "The carbon is at the origin of all which is alive on the planet. And under high pressure the carbon crystallizes to form of diamond: it is the hardest material which is used to listen to vinyls. Airways, describes for us the escapes which gets the experimentations of our musical univers ".
2012 begins with the release of their new EP " Oxydizer " whose promotion will begin in March at the Ultra Music Festival of Miami, before playing in various European festivals. .

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