Baltazar | it

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There are 2 bands with this name
1. Rockband from the Alabama of the Netherlands (the East) that rocked bars and dances between 2003 and 2008. Baltazar released one EP.

Ralf Kleinnibbelink - vocals
Vedran Mircetic - guitar
Paul Diersen - guitar, vocals
Raymond Grevink - bass
Mike Visser - drums

2. Hard rock band from Croatia, about to release their first album called Nemirno Djete (wild child in croatian).

3. Jazz band from Montenegro


Ivan Marovic (acoustic piano, keyboards)
Filip Gavranovic (electric, fretless, synth guitars)
Stefan Pavicevic (alto sax, clarinet)
Nebojsa Miletic (double bass)
Blazo Tatar (acoustic drums)


East European cartoons.