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Aversions Crown | it

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Aversions Crown are a six-piece outfit from Brisbane, Australia. Since the bands inception in 2010, Aversions Crown have solidified a position as one of Australia’s most reputable up and coming heavy bands. Following the release of Servitude in late 2011, the band has worked tirelessly, earning themselves a solid national fan base and some large scale international supports. Through the contrast of three eight-string guitars, guttural style vocals and a technical approach to rhythm, the band has showcased a unique style of intelligence and groove, not limited by the all too typical genre restraints.
Aversions Crown have become a common name in the Australian heavy music community, and with the recent release of Overseer and looming album launch in late 2013, expect to hear a lot more about this band.


Mark Poida - Vocals
Chris Cougan - Guitar
Mick Jeffrey - Guitar
Jayden Mason - Drums .

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