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Sufi communities or orders are found throughout the Muslim world, from South and Central Asia through Turkey, Iran, Kashmir ,India ,the Levant and northern, eastern and western Africa and also England. With that wide a geographical and cultural spread for Sufism itself, Sufi musical practice is itself equally diverse. Each Sufi order or brotherhood has its own traditions, and forms of Sufi practice vary greatly from region to region. It's not surprising, then, to find that Sufi musical forms are wildly distinct and varied; to the newcomer, it might even seem quite startling to discover that, for example, qawwali from Pakistan and India is linked spiritually and historically to, say, the "whirling dervishes" of Turkey or the Wolof-language praise songs from Senegal. However, all these different facets of ritual and performance have the same goal in mind: to lose oneself in remembering God and in drawing closer to the divine.
There are Chishti Sufi Orders in the United States. They were brought to the United States. by Pir Hazrat Inayat Khan who was a Master Musician who tried to spread the Sufi Message to the United States! Two of the Chishti Orders are by two of his sons. There is a Chishti Sufi Order, the Sufi Ruhaniat International that is worldwide founded by Pir Samuel L. Lewis(known as Sufi Sam!) in San Francisco, California. Another name for Sufis is Tasawwuf! The Major Sufi Orders are: Chishti, Naqshbandi,Rishi, Mathnawi(Founded by Rumi), Qadiriya!