hipster garbage | id

The tag 'hipster garbage' refers to music that some listeners regard as appealing to people more for its image, than for musical enjoyment, perceived talent or its artistic merit.

A hipster is someone who tends to use the art of others in its many mediums, as a means of creating their social image. An artist's music becomes an accessory with which to express facets of personal identity, especially to reflect what is considered to be uniqueness. A hipster usually has the desire to dwell, or be seen to dwell, within the social fringes. Their interests will often focus upon the music of artists deemed to be 'underground', shunning the mainstream. As a means of preserving their projected social image, hipsters are said to reject a band when it becomes what they consider to be, 'too popular'. This frequently means abandoning an artist if they become commercially successful. Therefore, an element of elitism is perceived by many outside of the hipster movement, which is possibly the original purpose of the hipster lifestyle. Thusly, self worth is garnered from difference to others, rather than similarity. .